Disclaimer ;

For Strangers , Stalkers & Daily readers ;

For your personal info , Parental Guidance is being advice . Because on my own online dairy contains things you might see things that are disgusting , negative comments & vulgarities .I'm a spoiled lil girl who throw temper for small lil things .But once you get along well with me you'll know me better .Well of cause , your criticism is not need @ my blog . & of cause i'm not a typical ahlians you see on streets walking .

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Can't be trusted ,

Didn't went school today .
Cause I'm still sick , >: .
Hah , shall do some dedication(s) .

TheanGuangQing ; Daddy ,
I know that you talk most with me in class .Cheering me up without fail .
Even sometimes i make you angry , you'll just let it be .
I still rememer last year i drew your hand .
& You say i could be a 'good' tattooist .
Right nao , we're drifting apart .
I don't know why but i've that feeling .
No matter what , don't forget those close bonds we'd .
Th fun we'd last year , <: .
Seeing me cry , seeing me angry , seeing my happy .
It's been 10Months of Father & Daughter relationship .
& tmrw shall be th 11month , <: .
No matter what it takes , you'll always be my daddy .
LastLong with Samantha , <: .
WithLoves ; Your Daughter ' ; S H U X I A N .

CongKarWei ; Sotplug Jie ,
Everytime we meet , we comfirm don't have anything talk .
But do you know that seeing you sad makes me sad ?
I know you still can't get over him .
It takes time , i can understand .
No matter that , time is all you need .
Prove t him you can get over him no matter how long it takes .
& , i miss th time you say all your heart felt words t me .
I miss th time we both went hyper over small lil things .
I miss you , >: .
I want th bonds btwn us t be back once again .
Remember that no matter what it takes , i'm there fer you .
WithLoves ; Your Sotplug Mei ' ; S H U X I A N .

XaiverGohSweeSeng ,
Going in RTC quite soon already right ?
I want you t t'care inside no matter what .
Don't worry about bel , i'll help you t'care of her .
She didn't reply maybe she's just busy with stuffs .
Don't worry too much & i know you are true about her .
Remember that when you come out , i'll be there .
I want you t make my cheeks & call me tweety bird .
& , i'll be hugging th pooh bear you gave looking at you .
Seeing you becoming another good guy .
Seeing you happy , sad & angry .
Remember me saying that ;
smile is th pill which help you over come your sadness .
WithLoves ; Your Tweety Bird ' ; S H U X I A N .

There's a guy name *Ahem which dk he's full name !
Oh-laughdieme !
But no matter how ugly you look , remember that look's don't matter .
It's all about th feeling you;ve btwn you & her , <: .
Hope you find your Mrs.R , <: .