Disclaimer ;

For Strangers , Stalkers & Daily readers ;

For your personal info , Parental Guidance is being advice . Because on my own online dairy contains things you might see things that are disgusting , negative comments & vulgarities .I'm a spoiled lil girl who throw temper for small lil things .But once you get along well with me you'll know me better .Well of cause , your criticism is not need @ my blog . & of cause i'm not a typical ahlians you see on streets walking .

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It wasn't meant for you ,

Hellohhh , ^^ .
Cab down t school & reached at almost 10 .
Phone tio taken away & need t serve detention after school , >: .
Went back t class with monkey .

Maths ; Play around .
History ; Didn't really pay attention .
Recess ; Chatted with Hubby ; Dorreen .
Lit ; Play around .

D&T ; Crap with t'cher & mates , <: .
English ; Play around .

r school chatted with hubby awhile .
After that i went t serve my detention with Ahguang & Monkey .
Mr Rajiv inside crap here & there till we laugh .
Left around 3.15pm ; Only 1hour , <: .
Bused back home , <: .
Last night chatted with Zhequan till 11plus , laughszxc !
Then today morning he text me all along till my phone tio taken away .
Pictures are taken yesterday , <: .

Cinta memiliki banyak hambatan untuk selama datang.
Tapi, itu bergantung pada anak & gadis.
Bagaimana mereka mengatasi kendala tersebut.
Itu seperti kamu memerlukan dua tangan untuk bertepuk tangan.
Tanpa tangan yang lain, anda tidak akan mampu bertepuk tangan.
Setiap hubungan bagi saya adalah sebuah pelajaran bagi saya untuk memahami apa cinta.
Ini hanya 4 kata tetapi mempunyai banyak makna.