Disclaimer ;

For Strangers , Stalkers & Daily readers ;

For your personal info , Parental Guidance is being advice . Because on my own online dairy contains things you might see things that are disgusting , negative comments & vulgarities .I'm a spoiled lil girl who throw temper for small lil things .But once you get along well with me you'll know me better .Well of cause , your criticism is not need @ my blog . & of cause i'm not a typical ahlians you see on streets walking .

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What if you are force to forget your true love /.

I don't remember those tears but those pain , 了.

Helloh humans , <: .
Sorry fr th late update people , :x .
Shall update what i remember , <: .

Saturday - 27032010 ;
Woke up around 1plus in th afternoon .
Woke up bathe & prepared t meet norman ; Father .
He cabbed down with junhao ; Brother & Whisly .
Went whisly house t slack & swim till 9plus .
Ate pizza & brother send me back home , <: .

Sunday - 28032010 ;
Wake up , prepared & went down meet uncle .
Send me t tuition & then after tuition went t meet mummy .
Went t spa there nearby & eat , <:
Went home bathe & stuffs then went t meet SL(s) .
Practice ji ben quan then we played , <: .
Father & brother once came down t find me with whisly too , <: .
Played till 9plus went t whisly house & slacked , <: .
He's maid cook fr us then we eat & slacked awhile .
Then left he's house .
Went home with brother cause he lived near t me .
While father lived at woodlands , >: .

Monday - 29032010 ;
Didn't attend school once again , <: .
Went t bed sleep till 11plus then wake up .
Meet brother & father first , <: .
They ran out of school , laughszxc !
Awhile more , ahem came !
Sat he's bike till northpoint , he treated us eat sakae .
Happy face , meet joey & another shuxian .
Slacked fr awhile went KFC & saw minglun ; didi .
Slacked with him awhile & monkey ; buddy came .
Slacked awhile & went didi's house t find he's meimei .
Promised t buy sweet fr her & aftermath cab back home .
Only for dearest ahbear ;

BearBear , thank's fr talking t me this few days .
& this few days you've t work from night till midnight .
I know it's tiring fr you & in th night you still have t call me once wake up .
Just t accompany t me talk , <: .
I'm grateful t have you , bearbear .
Nao you are sick & th weather is very bad nao .
Sometimes it gets so heaty then afternath it get so cold .
Remember t cover your blanket well before you sleep .
Remember ah , ahxian is here with you right nao .
I might not be here with you forever .
But at lest i'm here fr this second , this minute .
& , those messages you send t me will be kept .
I promised you i won't do illegal jobs anymore .
I want you t get plenty of sleep , drink plenty of water .
I don't wanne see/hear a shagful bearbear aites !
Withloves ; Ahxian , ♡ .

Seriously , i didn't attend school you all care for ?
It's my life , my leg .
I can choose not t go school one leh .
Not happy then suspend or expel me lah .
Need call my parent's tell them for what ?
If not fr mr justin's return , i comfirm ot of this school .
Please lah , stop making me pissed off .
Seriously , i dislike you alot .
You called my mummy right ?
Since you love t call her , call her more lah .
Nbcb , limbu want go shiguan also can't .
So what kor at home ?!
You can't t'care meh ?
Stop using work as a excuse seriously .
You don't give me money i go out work lah .
Please lah , when did i want how much you would give how much ?!
Pathetic asshole !
& , don't ever use police to threaten me already .
You used this method since p6 but you never once called .
I'm seriously tired of the words you used .
Change some pattern can ?!