Disclaimer ;

For Strangers , Stalkers & Daily readers ;

For your personal info , Parental Guidance is being advice . Because on my own online dairy contains things you might see things that are disgusting , negative comments & vulgarities .I'm a spoiled lil girl who throw temper for small lil things .But once you get along well with me you'll know me better .Well of cause , your criticism is not need @ my blog . & of cause i'm not a typical ahlians you see on streets walking .

Friday, December 31, 2010

If a blink of an eye , everything changes .

2010 is ending , time really flies .
Time just fly , so fast .
I'm going to be 15 in September next year .
Surrounding changes , everything changes but not Dreams and targets .
But mine changed .
All i want for 2011 is just t be good and study .
I really hope i've that determination to do it and i believe i can .
Well , later on going countdown with Yoshiko and co .
Gonna enjoy the last day of 2010 , (: .