Disclaimer ;

For Strangers , Stalkers & Daily readers ;

For your personal info , Parental Guidance is being advice . Because on my own online dairy contains things you might see things that are disgusting , negative comments & vulgarities .I'm a spoiled lil girl who throw temper for small lil things .But once you get along well with me you'll know me better .Well of cause , your criticism is not need @ my blog . & of cause i'm not a typical ahlians you see on streets walking .

Friday, January 22, 2010

You're no longer in my heart ,

Hellohhhh , :D !
&& , i didn't went school late today .
In fact , i was more early then yesterday . ( I think so . )

Science ; Crap around with Monkey & Wenwei . ( T'cher never come )
Lit ; I did my work but halfway .
Maths ; Sucks .
Recess ; Wolala , (: .History ; Talk t H2N2 ; Mr Rathin .

After school stayed back fr NCC , (: .
Was having attendace & H2N2 called me out .
Cause daddy was here & they talked about stuff(s) .
After that daddy left & had NCC all th way till 5plus .Left school nearly 6 , D: .
Jitao bused back home rested & bathe .
Around 8plus kaiwen text me say reached already .
Hah , monkey was there tooo .
Slacked fr 15-20mins then i left & went back home .
I'm seriously tired t th max bodoh , D: .But don't feel like sleeping at all , wireddd !
Tmrw meeting Kaiwen again .
Today lept singing bad romance t hubby ; Doreen !
Laughszxc , :D .
SherillChanShiLin ; Nuer ,
Girl ah , he doesn't want you it's okay !
He's th one who don't know how t cherish you .
Today Mr Rathin told me this ; Some guys just make use of you .
Nao i'm telling you that sentence .
I don't wanne see my daughter cry .
You still have tina , grace & me .
Even though i'm not close t you , i still care .
Don't act one tough girl infront of me when you're sad .
It's better t express it out instead of burying inside your heart .
People care fr you but just different ways okays ?Remember that you still got me this LaoMaZi t t'care leh !
If you breakdown then i how siah ?
Mummy needs you , D: !
Remember that no matter what , come talk t me .

IsabelLeongWanYu ; Jie ,
He flirt with who let him be .
He don't worth you crying for him .
You're just wasting your tears , (: .
Your tears are just like diamonds .
No point wasting them just fr a guy like him .
I know forgetting someone is hard & takes time .But no matter what , get over him .
A guy like him don't need you t admire over him .
It's pointless girl , (: .
No matter what , your meimei is over here .
I'll be there like how you wanted .

Pictures are just taken just nao .