Disclaimer ;

For Strangers , Stalkers & Daily readers ;

For your personal info , Parental Guidance is being advice . Because on my own online dairy contains things you might see things that are disgusting , negative comments & vulgarities .I'm a spoiled lil girl who throw temper for small lil things .But once you get along well with me you'll know me better .Well of cause , your criticism is not need @ my blog . & of cause i'm not a typical ahlians you see on streets walking .

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

陪我到最后 /.

You told me that was love . But how many times you say you'll prove to me that that is really love ? I've been lying to myself & telling myself that's love . Cause i really love you till that I've to lie to myself . I don't want this anymore , i'm tired of your love . My heart is shattered all around but , i'll put it back together waiting for another new love , xoxo .
- A H X I A N 's , .

Helloh humans , <: .
Sorry fr not updating fr .... 4 days !
Could not remember where i went already .
STM laaaaa , LOL's !
My face look so pale nao , >: .
Boreddieme , >: .

Saturday ' 17042010 ;
Around 5plus , went t meet piggy @ he's house .
Aftermath , went t Yishun 123 there t attend dinner .
09 , AhGuang & many more was there .
Reached home quite late cause piggy brought me t rounding , <: .
Thankyou , :D !

Sunday ' 18042010 ;
Went Northpoint print pictures with KorhKorh , <: .
Aftermath , bused down t grandmother house .
Slacked till 10/11plus then bused back home , <: .
Removed makeup , chatted on phone .
& poom , i went t bed .

Monday ' 19042010 ;
Went school with QiLiang ; The you no hair !
Thankyou no hair .

Chinese ; Did compo with Nicholas ; TehNehneh .
Maths ; *Winks* .
English ; Did work .
Recess ; Slacked .
English ; Sleep , hot ttm .
Science ; Forgotten !
CDP ; Did history ?

After school , i forgotten what i did !

Tuesday ' 20042010 ;
Slack with Alvin.C awhile then off t school with Haiqal .
Late & thank's Haiqal !

English ; Did work .
English ; Wen out of class alone cause i don't wanne play game .
P.E ; Accompany Hubby ; Doreen t run .
Recess ; Slacked .
History ; Copied Notes .
CDP ; Did history .
Assembly ; Exam talk , boreddieme !

After school , pon Nafpa with Wenwei .
Accompany him t bus inter .
Aftermath , meet JingYing , Sandra & Siti . ( Sec 1)
JingYing accompany me home t bathe & makeup .
Back t northpoint then slacked awhile all left .
Left me , Ahkiong ' Benedict , Zainul & Firdaus .
Slacked awhile more & they accompany me t bus inter .
Meet cousin & bused down t ahmah house .
Slacked over there with her & went home .

Wednesday ' 21042010 ;
Went school with GuangQing ' Daddy & co .
Thankyou , <: .

Maths ; *Winks*
History ; Copied notes .
Recess ; Slacked .
Lit ; Slept due t stomachache .
D&T ; Boreddieme !
ProjW ; Praise me babe !

After school , went home straight .
Can't go out , sigh .
-8more days t exam .
-7more days t Big uncle's arrival .
-3more days t Uncle's R.O.M .


Edited @ ' 8.29pm ;
I miss bear badly nao , >: .
Wonder what is he doing after he's bathe .
Keep busy doing 4-D , rawr !
Hope faster prepare well then wait fr he's boss come fetch him .
Me want bear later working eyes open bigbig see got * Ahem anot .
Meluvyouttm !