Disclaimer ;

For Strangers , Stalkers & Daily readers ;

For your personal info , Parental Guidance is being advice . Because on my own online dairy contains things you might see things that are disgusting , negative comments & vulgarities .I'm a spoiled lil girl who throw temper for small lil things .But once you get along well with me you'll know me better .Well of cause , your criticism is not need @ my blog . & of cause i'm not a typical ahlians you see on streets walking .

Friday, April 9, 2010

I fought cause i thought you love me but , i was wrong right from the start /.

Since you love her , why m'i still loving you ?
Helloh humans , <: .
Here t update this blog , <: .

Friday ' 09042010 ;

Science ; Slept .
Lit ; Kpkb w' that Mr Alen then quarreled & went out of class .
Maths ; Hehe , i'm loving it everyday !
Recess ; Slacked .
History ; Mr Rathi came & talk about stuffs .

After school , write report fr th Lit thing with my nuer , <: .
Took pictures with that silly girl of mineee , <: .
While waiting fr DM i'd cakes , LOL's .
Then after seeing him , went northp meet that black face .
Walked around northp with Nuer & wanted t go home already .
Mummy called tell me go back ncc , >: ,
But all i did was t slack over there & went home around 5plus , <: .

Saturday ' 10042010 ;

Rot at home fr th whole day , >: .
Cook dinner with KorhKorh , <: .

Sunday ' 11042010 ;

Woke up @ 6 in th morning then zixuan called me .
Bath & prepared down t bus interchange t meet him & wen qin .
Bused down t spa there & changed into Longkun's shirt all this .
10plus reached Chinatown Zhou Jia Shi there .
Then went t Gong Ming Sua then bai our Zhou Jia's ancestors .
Under th idiot sun fr dk how long & played th chei , >: .
Went back spa @ around 5plus , ohmymy !
Aftermath , bused down t ahma house rest .
Then wake up bathe & eat .
Played poker then around 9plus went home jitao sleep , <: .

Monday ' 12042010 ;

Chinese ; Test .
Maths ; \m/
PE ; 2.4 .
Recess ; Slack .
Science ; Sleep .
English ; Sleep .
Home.E ; Cooked .

After school wenwei & me went t northpoint walk here & there .
Wenwei find he's daddy talk money while i waited .
Take already , walked fr awhile & back home .
Mummy bringing me out fr dinner later on , <: .
Keep going t eat with her will fat fat one nahhhh , >: .
Me want new phone , >: .