Disclaimer ;

For Strangers , Stalkers & Daily readers ;

For your personal info , Parental Guidance is being advice . Because on my own online dairy contains things you might see things that are disgusting , negative comments & vulgarities .I'm a spoiled lil girl who throw temper for small lil things .But once you get along well with me you'll know me better .Well of cause , your criticism is not need @ my blog . & of cause i'm not a typical ahlians you see on streets walking .

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A part of me was dying /.

There's nothing left for me to do now but give in .
Helloh humans .
Ain't feeling happy right nao .
Shall update what i remember ...

Sunday ' 04042010 ;
Sleep at Grandmother house till 10plus .
Then around 12plus all th relatives came t pray .
Took care of my cousin's baby , she's naughty .
Brought her down t play all those stuffs , called bear .
He was supposed t meet me , but in th end never .
Aftermath , brought her back t grandmother house .
I jitao slept & around 5plus mummy came t fetch me .
Down t Mummy's side there & eat blablabla .
Saw Cousin & played cards over there .

Monday ' 05042010 ;
Went school with Hara .

Chinese ; Did work & on phone with bear .
Maths ; Sucky .
English ; Did nothing .
Recess ; Slack .
English ; Quarreled with t'cher & aftermath Mr.Rajiv return me my MP3 & promised i won't quarrel with that t'cher .
Science ; Stupid china plk confiscated my phone fr that period .
CDP ; Slept .

Aftermath , woke up & wasn't feeling very well .
Didn't attend th workshop due t stomachache .
Went home rest & meet Kailin ; Cousin .
Was going down t mummy's side grandmother house .
But we met her friend & talk cock sing song all this .
Reached grandmother house around 7plus going 8 .
Went home @ 10 , tired .

Tuesday ' 06042010 ;
Went school with Duo Mao , thank's .

English ; Sleep .
English ; Sleep .
P.E ; Sucky , sick .
Recess ; Slacked .
History ; Study .
CDP ; Joke here & there .
Assembly ; Hubby came t sit beside me & chatted with me . Told her t cherished what sh have nao .
Didn't wanted t see her sad at all .

After school , Adrain pei me go home changed .
Then bused down t Woodlands meet Lion king , kaiwen & co .
Slacked with them till 6plus .
Adrain & me bused back home .

First Picture taken today .
Others are yeaterday .