Disclaimer ;

For Strangers , Stalkers & Daily readers ;

For your personal info , Parental Guidance is being advice . Because on my own online dairy contains things you might see things that are disgusting , negative comments & vulgarities .I'm a spoiled lil girl who throw temper for small lil things .But once you get along well with me you'll know me better .Well of cause , your criticism is not need @ my blog . & of cause i'm not a typical ahlians you see on streets walking .

Friday, July 23, 2010

Won the battle , lost the war /.

Helloh humans ,
Firstly , you guys told me t update yet you guys ain't tagging .
!@#$%^&! , tmd .
School was alright today & i found out that i only attend music lesson once .

ProjectWork ; Filming .
Physic ; Did revision .
Maths ; Did work .
Recess ; Ate with Harrin & co .
CDP ; Sex talk .

Aftermath , bused down t meet yang , laurence , laurence girl , yang's friend .
Yang's friend went home , yang & co went back woodlands awhile .
I went over mummy's place till 3 came down slack with yang .
Yang friend came again & slack here & there .
Went t th park > mac & yang accompany me bused back .

Tina.YLX ' Sexaye ;
Sexaye , thank's for comforting me .
Thank's for being my listening ear whenever i need .
I'm glad that i knew you , really .
That same apple tree , primary school , secondary school .
My one & only childhood friend whose there when i really needed .
Girl , we might not be so close right nao t each other .
But whenever i need you , i just text/call/msn you & you're there .
But , i'm never once there when you ever needed me .
Sexaye , i'm sorry that i was never once there for you .
I love th way you smile & make me smile too .
Lastly , forgive me for all the mistakes i've done .

Doreen.LGF ' Hubby ;
Time flies so fast & it's already my one year plus being hubby with you .
We both see each other fall & we both pick each other up .
Hubby , i don't wanna see you turn bad .
I don't want you t be what i'm today , i really regret it alot .
You're a nice girl , don't turn into a girl who i don't used t know .
You have changed into a girl who i really don't know .
Doing foolish things , why are you behaving this way ?
No matter what , i want you t be happy & smile .
Don't ever be a girl like me , who regretted doing stupid things .

Cindy.Lim ' Stead ;
Stead , i still remember about that post you type for me .
Till nao , i still go t your blog & see that post you dedicated t me .
You're also always there whenever i need you but i was never there .
I love th way you hug me , th way you listen me talk when i'm sad .
Thank's for going thru every obstacles i face .
Thank's for supporting me in every decision that i've made .
I promise you that i'll change & i believe i can .
Stead thank's for every little things that you did just t cheer me up .

Gwyneth ' Strawberry ;
Girl , thank's for being there whenever i'm bored .
I still remember th first time i met you , you're like ZOMG !
Accompanying me going places whenever i told you .
You're always that steady little strawberry i have .
Girl , i also don't want you t turn into a bad girl .
Seeing you turning t a girl like i don't know makes me feel heart ache .
Promise me that you'll be a good girl aye !

& Thank's others for being there when i need .
Lastly ,