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For your personal info , Parental Guidance is being advice . Because on my own online dairy contains things you might see things that are disgusting , negative comments & vulgarities .I'm a spoiled lil girl who throw temper for small lil things .But once you get along well with me you'll know me better .Well of cause , your criticism is not need @ my blog . & of cause i'm not a typical ahlians you see on streets walking .

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Speak your mind out /.

Guys, if you want to fuck, just say you want to fuck.
Don't go around painting a pretty picture and then slash all over the canvas.
We appreciate honesty, albeit cruel, even though cruel, we'd still accept the harsh initial forthcoming.
But when you decide to lie to us about wanting to settle down, about how special we are, even though we are not, just so you could sleep with us, that's just plain nasty. And hurtful.

You said you want no strings attached, but if you start by going how you are ready for commitment, we are going to assume that you want commitment with us. There goes your 'no-string-attached-let's-just'be-fuck-buddies' relationship with us. BELIEVE ME. Because you have aroused our internal love detector and we will end up falling madly in love with you, throwing any animalistic fucking system out of the way.

On the other hand, if you come right forward and proclaim blatantly that you are just in it for the sex, then sex is all you're going to get. It's a total win-win situation where nobody gets hurt,

Girls, you should also be aware that there are guys out there who tries to get you to fall in love with them by telling you that you are special, when in fact, they don't mean it. You mean as much to them as the lunch they are making the next day for work.

These are the guys who are down right despicable and idiotic. They toyed with our emotions and then throw our bruised bodies into the swamp to feed the crocodiles. They want you to fall in love with them and they get a kick from breaking girls' heart. They are the lowest of the lowest scums.

To them, we are like the finish lines in one of their many marathons.
At the start of dating, their eyes are already on the finish line. They have the utmost determination to get there and they will try EVERYTHING to get to the finish line.
That is why they will tell you all sorts of crap to break down your barrier and earn a place in your heart.
You will never see a sweeter guy who puts in as much effort as he does.
But once he passes the finish line, when he's gotten you right where he wants you, he's got his eyes set on another race. This is when he stops caring and his interest towards you ceased.

These guys are jerks and they will always be jerks because a leopard never changes its spots.
Yes it might be true that they are willing to change. But that doesn't mean that they will succeed in changing because this habit has festered inside them for so long it became second nature to them. So much as they want to change for the better, they will never.

So that sums up my rant for the day: If you want to fuck a girl, guys, tell her you want to fuck her instead of mucking around with her emotions. Otherwise, you will be getting a long trail of baggages as you stroll around the candy store.